The Call for Papers for NAVSA 2025 is available here. Proposals addressing aspects of the conference theme are due by March 17, 2025. We welcome proposals for:
- Papers: 18-20 minute papers. Abstract no longer than 300 words, plus brief biographical note of no more than 125 words.
- Prearranged panels: 3-4 papers, 200-word abstract for the panel, plus 250-word abstract for each paper, plus brief biographical note of no more than 125 words for each participant (1,700 word maximum, total). We encourage proposals for panels and roundtables to include at least one graduate student, independent scholar, or contingent/non-tenure-track faculty member.
- Roundtable position papers of 8-10 minutes each (5-6 per roundtable) on topics and keywords. Abstract no longer than 250 words, plus brief biographical note of no more than 125 words. Roundtable position papers should address one of the following thematic threads:
- Environment & Ecology
- Enslavement & Abolition
- Gender & Intimacies
- Labor & Work
- Empire & Colonization
- Media & Technology
- Digital presentations: 15 minute talks delivered during the virtual pre-session of NAVSA 2025. This pre-session will be an open event, with free registration, for those unable to make the conference in person. Held prior to the in-person conference, it will set the terms for the discussion in DC.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Please go to to submit individual papers, digital presentations, and prearranged panels to NAVSA 2025. Users will be prompted to create a (free) Ex Ordo account; instructions for upload are on the submission site. Please contact with any questions.